football crazy

Most of the songs we had to sing in Bronllys primary school morning assemblies were limp-wristed christian hymns: "he's got the whole world in his hands" and stuff like that. There was the odd comic singalong. One came back to me. Called 'Football Crazy', it included the line "he's football crazy / he's football bad / the football it has taken away the little bit of sense he had / it would take a dozen servants / to wash his clothes and scrub / since Paul became a member of that terrible football club."
What a repertoire.

english lessons

Age: 17 or 18
In Gwernyfed Sixth Form. Me and other members of the class not going to down to Julie Rees' classroom for our English Literature lessons and having her come up to find us.

april fools

Age: 9 or 10.
Location: Bronllys Primary School

Being taken outside in the morning of an April 1st to see a "space shuttle" be visible in the sky. Turned out to be a really bad April Fools joke. Amazing.

the purpose

This blog is all about trying to piece together the first 24 years of my life, as in the stuff that went before my main diary blog. There will be no order to these postings, probably: they will be noted down as and when the memories appear.